Monday 6 July 2009

School holidays

Ah, for those of us with children the long heady days of summer holidays are nearly upon us! Picnics in the park, days out to the beach.... Although the school holidays can bring much joy and fun, they can also be demanding on mums, dads and grandparents.

Want to enjoy the summer and prepare yourself mentally and physically? If you haven't already tried reflexology or Indian Head massage then now would be a great time to experience the relaxing and energising benefits that a treatment can bring.

Although I shall be taking time to enjoy being with my children too I will be available during this school holiday time, although on a slightly more limited basis each week and have appointments available in daytime, evenings and weekends.

I look forward to welcoming you to my calming therapy room soon!

Update on back pain case study....

I am thrilled to report that after two weekly treatments my client is pain free! She tells me that this is the first time for many years.

I am looking forward to this continuing over the course of her six treatments. Then hopefully the next stage will be increasing the time between treatments until we agree on a suitable maintenance plan which will support her on a long term basis.

I am delighted with this result and do hope that other people may be encouraged to try reflexology as a solution to chronic back pain.

For more information on the case study or to book an appointment please contact me - all my details are on my website.